Numeracy at Langwarrin Primary School is focused on engaging students with fun, relevant and interesting activities that link to students’ everyday lives. This helps to make learning relevant and meaningful to each student. Students participate in regular assessment, utilising the Essential Assessment program, allowing teachers to plan a differentiated curriculum that caters to each individual student and where student growth is celebrated. A typical Numeracy lesson at Langwarrin Primary School can involve warm-up games, whole class explicit teaching, differentiated activities, small-group instruction and problem-solving. The use of digital technologies plays a big part in Numeracy at our school, such as our use of the Mathletics program, both in class and at home. Outstanding numeracy students are catered for through our Maths Olympiad and Maths Games programs, as well as our participation in the UNSW ICAS program. At Langwarrin Primary School all students are mathematicians.